Joey Rademakers nominated for the Abe Bonnema Prize 2024
November 2024

The Form of De Witte van Heer
Just as in his work for clients, Joey found inspiration for De Witte van Heer in its context—what was already there. With this foundation, he approached the project experimentally, much like the small-scale farmer who once lived in the farmhouse. A pragmatic approach: designing a structure that facilitates this way of working and allows for new uses while respecting the building’s original functions. Sleeping in the former hayloft, working in the horse stable, relaxing in the old cowshed, and cooking and dining where chickens and pigs once roamed. Adapting and expanding—because as users change, the building must evolve with them.
Not just for now, but also for the future.
Sustainable Design and Construction
Since the rebuilding of De Witte van Heer, one principle has been clear: a transformation and renovation carried out as sustainably and self-sufficiently as possible. The project incorporates reused marlstone blocks and handmade field bricks, alongside circular building methods and ecological materials. Joey has personally taken on much of the construction work, stepping into roles such as bricklayer, roofer, and electrician. But above all, he has been an experimental designer, whose eight years of dedication to De Witte van Heer have now been recognized with a nomination for the Abe Bonnema Prize 2024—a well-deserved milestone in an extraordinary journey!